welcome to
the united churches of olympia

Love. Hope. United.


next events & announcements

  • Join us for a special 9:00 AM worship service this Sunday, June 30 in the Sanctuary and via Zoom. We will give a special blessing to those walking in the Pride Parade during the service. Afterward, we will have a “tailgate party” in the upper parking lot. Bring a chair and put on your best Pride gear for the parade along Capitol Way that starts at 11 AM.

    • Call or email the office (Monday - Thursday) for a link to join the Zoom service or sign up for our Weekly E-blast below.

    • The first Sunday of the month we hold communion. If you join us via Zoom, please prepare your own elements (bread/cracker and wine/juice) before the service.

      • Zoom Service Bulletin - June 30 (.pdf) - 9:00 a.m. service

        • Permission to webcast/stream the music in these services was obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A- 731056 and CCS, License #12429.  All Rights Reserved.

  • Faith Formation meets every Sunday in the Sanctuary during our second service starting at 10:30 a.m. (9:30 a.m. on special days when we only have one service on Sunday).

  • Please remember to send in your tithe, pledge or gift. We need your support to keep our programs functioning. Thank you for your generosity!



  • Men’s Breakfast (Social time for men at United; 2nd Fri. at 8:00 a.m. - call the office for the location)

  • Piececrafters (Knit, crochet, needlework, any craft project meets the 1st Saturday in the Fireside Room from 10:00 a.m.- Noon)

  • Labyrinth Meditation (First Friday of the month from 5:30-7:00 p.m.)

  • Lively Lectionary (Wednesday mornings in the Fireside Room at 10:45 a.m.)

  • Thursdays Together (Play games Thursday afternoons in the Fireside Room from 1-3 p.m.)

  • Youth Group (Tuesday evenings at 5:30 p.m.; various locations)

  • First Mondays Group - presentations on various topics by members and friends on the first Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room

    Groups Resuming in September

  • Choir (Wed. evenings at 6:30 p.m.; September - May) & Festival Choir meets prior to Christmas and Easter

  • Centering Prayer (Meditation on Thursday evenings at 8:30 p.m. via Zoom)

Call the church office, 360-943-1210 for more information.


Please join us at 12:15 p.m. for a weekly 30-minute prayer service on Wednesdays in the Sanctuary. Our service is a time of quiet singing, silent prayer, and contemplative meditation. In May and June, we will learn the practice of “Centering Prayer,” a form of Christian contemplative prayer to center awareness on the presence of God. All are welcome!


Are you an active member in our church who is planning on attending or already enrolled in a college/university/seminary program? This year the award is $1,500. The firm deadline this year for applying is July 1st. In subsequent years, the deadline will be May 1, the same as the McNall Scholarship. An applicant can only receive one scholarship from The United Churches per year and only receive the Patsy Humphres Children’s Endowment Scholarship one time. The application, letters of recommendation and transcript should be sent via email. Contact the church office for the specific email address.

Patsy Humphres Scholarship Eligibility / Instructions

Patsy Humphres Scholarship Application


June 29 - Olympia Pride Festival

June 30 - Pride Sunday 9am service only & Olympia Pride Parade

August 17 - Church Yard Sale

August 23-25 - Pilgrim Firs Retreat


United is looking for a Children and Youth Program Coordinator to facilitate programming to meet the spiritual, social and community needs of children and youth in our church. This is a part time position of 15 hours per week, including Sunday mornings, Tuesday evening Youth Group, as well as weekly work. There will be occasional overnights.  Additional compensation is provided for extended events. Please click here for more info.


As more people attend worship at church, please remember to join via Zoom if you have any symptoms of a cold or flu or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for Covid-19. Thank you!


We believe that God loves all people, and invite all persons to participate in our fellowship, especially extending our welcome to children and their families. Our children are invited to share in worship, and can also attend weekly faith formation classes. 

Since 1916, we have jointly celebrated the traditions of two historical churches: the Presbyterian Church, USA and the United Church of Christ. Beginning in 2000, we began welcoming members who choose to join our congregation as "The United Churches of Olympia", but do not wish to affiliate with a particular denomination. Today we are a community of members, friends, seekers and doubters striving to support each other.

Everyone is welcome at The United Churches of Olympia!

The United Churches makes explicit the welcome of LGBTQIA+ folks and we are committed to advocating for transgender, gender non-binary, and people of all gender identities in the church and society. Our membership affiliation includes: Covenant Network of Presbyterians, UCC Open and Affirming Coalition, UCC Join the Movement and More Light Presbyterians. We are a PC(USA) Matthew 25 church.


