

We are a community of believers, seekers, and doubters who have covenanted to journey together in faith and compassion, celebrating God and working toward a more just world. 

Service times and locations

We offer two services each Sunday for Worship (occasionally the time will change - check the home page for the correct time):

  1. The café service meets at 8:30 AM in the Chapel (left of the main entrance to the church). Join us as we gather together in the round for a more informal, worship experience.

  2. Our Sanctuary service meets at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary and on Zoom. This service features our beautiful pipe organ, choir and guest musicians. We broadcast this service over Zoom. Please contact the church office for a link to join us!

Contact the office: admin@theunitedchurches.org if you would like a Zoom link to join us!

We invite ALL to worship with us. You are welcome here!